Hey everyone! I’ve been told that I am laid back, curious, intelligent, funny, kind, creative, empowered, loyal, empathetic, and loving. If you would’ve told me that about 2 years ago I would not have believed you were describing me. My entire life I never believed that I was good enough, sexy enough, skinny enough, and smart enough to be able to exist in this world. However, 2 years ago everything began to shift for me.
A couple of years ago I met my husband and we were both just best friends at the time. However, when we entered each other’s lives a massive amount of healing began for both of us. For me, I went from being extremely insecure, scared, and unworthy to now the empowered woman I am becoming today. The unworthiness and lack of self esteem are being replaced with confidence, self compassion, and an undying desire to free myself from all of the lies I've heard my entire life that women are "supposed" to "behave" a certain way.
Being an “Owned, Submissive and very, very, VERY Bisexual HotWife” and on this journey with my husband means so much to me. Personally, it transcends the physical and enters the spiritual realm which has enabled me to reclaim and redefine myself. It has begun to shift the way I think and is healing my insecurities, brokenness, and trauma.
The spiritual force and pure love that has organically been created between me and my husband has freed me and healed me in ways that I can't even put into words. I have been beyond blessed and I am grateful every day for having a loving husband that wants me to heal and explore my sexuality. He always encourages me to have any dark desire I crave sexually and I do the same with him.
What can I say? Our demons dance well together.
This freedom, empowerment, and miraculously healing journey that he and I have been on has been life changing for me. For the first time in my life I am experiencing genuine love and empathy. For the first time in my life I can actually say that I love myself. If you only knew how long it took me to get to that point!
I am beyond grateful for everything that has happened in the past 2 years. I believe I can speak for myself and my husband when I say that we genuinely want to share this with others whether it be as lovers, just platonic friends, or becoming a part of our inner circle. If we can play a part in healing this broken world then I believe that we have the obligation to do so in whatever way we can.